Legal Notices

The company HARMONY BETON is a limited liability company with capital of € 33,850 , registered with the Trade and Companies AIX EN PROVENCE under number 483 708 103 Siret number 483 708 103 0002 1, its legal representative is Mr. Patrick Leborgne, manager.
N°TVA : FR53483708103
Registered office and postal address :
Numbers (standard head office) :
Tel: 00 33 (0) 4 42 20 10 09
Fax: 00 33 (0) 4 42 20 94 17
Monday to Friday from 8:45 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
The harmony- site and .com properties of the company HARMONY BETON have been declared to CNIL under the number 1560945 . .
Hosting: Gandi SAS
Publication Director : Mr. P.LEBORGNE
Computer and Freedoms / protection of personal data :
HARMONY BETON collects information about you when creating your account (name, email address, mailing address, phone number). This information allows us to track your purchases. These data are not disclosed to third parties but may be used for sending information and exclusive offers from HARMONY BETON you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the indicated link. Our company is the recipient of the information you provide us.
Accordance with the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 (as amended by the Act of 6 August 2004 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data ) , you have a right to access, rectification or opposition on the personal data collected about you .
These rights can be exercised by contacting us at the following address:
HARMONY BETON's policy not to give data on its customers.
HARMONY BETON is the sole recipient of the data you have provided.
We inform you that we use cookies . The information collected by cookies is solely and strictly for internal use and are never passed on to third parties. A cookie records information about the navigation of your computer on our site (the pages you have visited, the date and time of visit, etc. . ) That we can read during your subsequent visits. If you do not agree you can not make your purchases. The shelf life of this information in your computer is up to one year.
Please note that any reproduction or representation total or partial , by any means whatsoever, the website , logos, images that can be included is prohibited without the express permission of HARMONY BETON.
If you want to set up a link to this site , you must seek prior express permission of HARMONY BETON.
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